Original article author: Ron Harris, published in the 62nd issue of the Australian edition of "Muscle Miscellaneous".
If you believe that high-intensity training will bring rapid growth, then please try the DC training system - the latest high-intensity training method. Accelerate muscle growth by 30%.
Elements of DC training method
If you have not heard of the DC training method, then you may not browse English bodybuilding websites very much, because the DC training method has become a hot topic in all English bodybuilding forums due to its excellent effects. David. Henry used the DC training method and grew from an ordinary bodybuilder to a highly anticipated IFBB professional star in just 2 years.
Brief but frequent stimulation of muscle areas
Perhaps one of the biggest differences between DC training and other training methods is that it requires more frequent stimulation of muscle areas. Dante explains: "The average bodybuilder trains the entire body once a day, which is 52 times a year. My clients train each part 75 to 92 times a year. So, using DC training can make your muscles grow 75 times a year." -92 times instead of 52 times
These workouts are intense but brief, so the muscles being trained can fully recover before the next workout. In many cases, only one training set is used for a specific muscle group. Rest/pause sets, partial movement rules, and control techniques are often used to increase intensity. ,
Step by step
Another element of the DC training system is continuous improvement. The basis of this theory is that stronger muscles must be bigger muscles. The reason why most bodybuilders stagnate in size improvement is using the same weight for many years. If you can do 10 squats with 135 kilograms today and progress to 205 kilograms in a year, your thighs will obviously grow significantly.
forIn order to measure and be accountable for your progress, you have to "break the record" often. In the DC training system, you have three different training session cycles, which means that every third training session you will use the same exercises. When When you train, you must lift more weight or use more reps than you did last time. Each movement has a fixed optimal rep range (see attached table). Once you can exceed these rep ranges, you should increase it. A little weight. The increase in strength is gradual, but it will accumulate over a long period of time. For example, in 6 months, my inner leg machine training weight increased from 75 kg to 110 kg for 20 times. Now when I walk, The inner thigh muscles can rub together.
In the DC training system, most sets are rest/pause style. Let's say you do the Smith incline bench press with 140kg. You do 7 reps to failure, then put the weight on the rack. Take 10 to 15 deep breaths, lower yourself from the rack, and do another 3 times to exhaustion. Take another 10-15 deep breaths. You take the weight off for the last time and do 2 more times, plus a few incomplete movements and 10-30 seconds of controlling the weight. It sounds simple, but it’s actually cruel!
Direct group
There are some exercises where you only need to use straight sets instead of the rest/pause method to avoid lower back injury. These exercises primarily include squats and back-thickness exercises such as bell rows, T-rows, and deadlifts.
Widow? Maker
For problem areas, you can add a widow maker after the main exercises to deepen the stimulation. Typically you start with a weight that you can do 20-30 reps at, and then add a little more weight each time you work that area until you can only do about 8 reps. At this stage, you can switch to another action as the Widow Maker. For example, I currently use cable lateral raises as a widow's builder after shoulder presses, with the goal of increasing shoulder width. For legs, it's a little different. At the end of the leg workout, I do a set of 25 leg presses, but increase the weight each time.
Extreme stretching
Once you have finished training an area, stretch for 60-90 seconds. Trust me, this is probably the hardest part of the DC method. The idea is to break down the strong connective tissue and "load" our muscles to allow more muscle growth. (This method was pioneered by John Parrillo.)
Explosion and cruise
How do you ensure continued strength? Will your body and mind become overwhelmed and shut down? Of course they will. This is why the DC training system consists of two parts: blasting and cruising. During the blasting phase (approximately 6-12 weeks), training goes all out and goes beyond. After that, rest or cruise for about 10-21 days, doing only maintenance training. Only do 2-3 reps per day, just straight sets and no strength techniques. entireThe idea is to give your body and mind a chance to rest, so you can blast your muscles again.
Too many equipment?
Many people misunderstand that the DC training system includes too many equipment. This is not the case. In fact, many lifters don't have a belayer so they use equipment to support rest/pause techniques. They just don't want to be so heavy that they can't move. If you have a training partner or a reliable belayer, you can naturally use free weights entirely.
DC system nutrition includes high protein - at least 1 gram per kilogram, limiting carbohydrate intake after 6pm, and reducing dietary fat. Do cardio on an empty stomach in the morning to stimulate food intake, and consume fast-acting carbohydrates such as corn.
My DC experience
I have understood the DC system for several years. I'm with David. Henry benefited a lot from the discussion and finally decided to try the DC training method. I started using the DC training method in late June 2006 and achieved significant growth in several key areas within 6 months. I grew from 100kg to 110kg without any fat gain and without using any illegal drugs. It's worth noting that I haven't made significant progress in a few years.
Can anyone use the DC training method?
Not everyone is suitable for the DC training method. Beginners, those who lack perseverance and those who are old-fashioned are not suitable for the DC system. But if you can train hard and persist, and break the shackles of old ideas, the DC training method will be the right choice for you.