One: In fact, many people do not necessarily look like Mr. or Miss Muscle Bodybuilder when they exercise. Maintaining a certain physical fitness is helpful for your confidence and health in life. Moreover, not everyone goes to the gym or uses protein powder every day, so how to develop a fitness plan based on your own conditions? For more fitness plans, please visit http ://www.jirou.com/jihua/.
2: Fitness methods for thin people: How to keep fit for thin people (http://www.jirou.com/jihua/chu_zhongjijianshenjihua/2010/0427/1808.html) and provide word documents for the convenience of bodybuilding enthusiasts to read .
In addition, if thin people want to gain weight, they need to solve several problems: 1. The diet must be rich, the meal must be sufficient and the food must be chewed slowly. 2. Eat scientifically and not have a partial eclipse. 3. For bodybuilding recipes, please refer to Bodybuilding Nutrition (http://www.jirou.com/yingyang/).
Three: How fat people can keep fit: (http://www.jirou.com/jihua/chu_zhongjijianshenjihua/2010/0324/1034.html ) provides word documents for the convenience of bodybuilding enthusiasts to read.
Some suggestions for fitness for obese people: 1. The diet should be mainly vegetarian and beef. 2. Increase the amount of exercise, participate in more aerobic exercise, running and spinning (spinning or check http://www.jirou.com/plus/search.php?keyword=%B6%AF%B8%D0%B5% A5%B3%B5) are all OK.
Four: How to choose fitness equipment or exercise methods: Those who are thin can first exercise with dumbbells (http://www.jirou.com/qicai/yaling/). The advantage is that it does not occupy space and saves money. People who are obese can actively go to the gym to participate in exercise, or often go to the gym to participate in various ball games. If you have certain muscle conditions, you can advance to a higher level of exercise. http://www.jirou.com/jihua/zhuanyejijianshenfangfa/ Professional levelMassive downloads of fitness plans.
Five: Fitness is a healthy sport. Consistent scientific exercise will definitely increase your muscles. If a man has certain muscles, he will be more attractive to women. Women can also achieve breast enlargement through fitness. I wish you all can improve quickly through studying at www.jirou.com.